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Standard APIs for Digital User Identities

Explore our selection of APIs that adhere to the CAMARA standard, ensuring the development of robust digital identities.

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APIs Built To Standardised Specifications Help Reduce Cost


Developer-Friendly APIs That Simplify Complexity


Improved Time To Market

CAMARA Identity is at the heart of every user relationship. Our APIs bring you closer to your users by helping you to develop a rounded picture of who they are and by protecting them when malicious actors attempt to impersonate them.

Sim Swap (CAMARA)

SIM Swap (CAMARA) is a CAMARA-Compliant API that enables you to verify that a SIM card has not recently been swapped.

Number Verify (CAMARA)

Number Verify (CAMARA) checks if the mobile number of a device accessing an online service or app matches the one provided by the customer.

What you can build with Vodafone’s identity APIs?

Number Verify (CAMARA)


Utilize Number Verify (CAMARA) for smoother onboarding to apps and digital services.

Eliminate the need for SMS OTP or email during the registration process.

Expedite user registration, re-registration, password-free logins, and password resets.



Implement SIM Swap (CAMARA) to establish a confidence score for a user's identity.

Obtain information on the last swap of a number between SIM cards.

Enhance fraud reduction measures.

Improve the security and convenience of how you confirm user identity

About Vodafone

Our purpose is to connect for a better future and our expertise and scale gives us a unique opportunity to drive positive change for society.