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TMF931 - Onboarding And Ordering API


The Onboarding And Ordering API enables Channel Partners and Marketplace providers to carry out onboarding and ordering tasks via an headless operate API. Status updates are delivered via HTTP notifications to inform the service requester of state changes throughout the process.

This API follows the TMForum 931 standard as described in the GSMA Open Gateway playbook.

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Getting an access token

You need an access token in order to use this API.

The token is valid for 59 minutes and 59 seconds. It can be used for multiple requests.

The bearer tokens can only be used for a specific country. For example: If you generate a token for a UK mobile number, you cannot use it to query a German mobile number.

For more information on using Authorization Basic, see RFC 6749.

If the request is valid, the API returns an access_token, along with expiry and scope information.
This access token can then be used in one or more requests for as long as the token remains valid.

If the request is not valid, the APIs returns an error message.

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