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TMF931 - Onboarding And Ordering API


The Onboarding And Ordering API enables Channel Partners and Marketplace providers to carry out onboarding and ordering tasks via an headless operate API. Status updates are delivered via HTTP notifications to inform the service requester of state changes throughout the process.

This API follows the TMForum 931 standard as described in the GSMA Open Gateway playbook.

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TMF931 - Onboarding And Ordering API


The Onboarding And Ordering API enables Channel Partners and Marketplace providers to carry out onboarding and ordering tasks via an headless operate API. Status updates are delivered via HTTP notifications to inform the service requester of state changes throughout the process.

This API follows the TMForum 931 standard as described in the GSMA Open Gateway playbook.

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It can be used for
  • Channel partner and marketplace integrations
  • Automated end customer onboarding
  • Placing orders to access API products and services
  • Receiving status updates via HTTP notifications

API Information

Version v5.0.0
Protocol HTTPS
Sandbox URL
Live URL Sandbox only
Version history 5.0.0
Release date June 2024
Status Sandbox Beta
Description TMF931 - Onboarding and Ordering API - Sandbox Beta

How it works

There are 3 parties involved in the use of this API:

  • Application Service Provider (ASP) - the end customer who wishes to embed an API service in their web or mobile application.
  • Channel Partner (CP) - the aggregator or marketplace provider who offers access to multiple mobile operator's API based products and services to the Application Service Providers. Channel Partners ensure coverage across multiple Mobile Network Operators in the required countries.
  • Communication Service Providers (CSP) - the Mobile Network Operators who provide the underlying service via API in the countries in which they operate.

A typical interaction across the involved parties could include:

  1. An end customer (ASP) wishes to order a new API based service, such as Identity or Quality on Demand, for their web or mobile application.
  2. The end customer (ASP) approaches an aggregator Channel Partner to access the service across all the mobile operators (CSPs) that provide coverage in the required country. The end customer (ASP) registers with the Channel Partner and places an order for the service via their website.
  3. The Channel Partner's platform sends the request to the Onboarding and Ordering API provided by each of the Mobile Operators in the chosen country.
  4. The Mobile Operator processes the request. For example, it activates the "Quality on Demand" service and provides updates back to the Channel Partner via HTTP notifications.
  5. The Channel Partner provides the live access credentials to the end customer (ASP) who can now use the service in their live application.

Run in Postman

To begin using the Vodafone workspace in Postman, please follow the steps below to create a set of credentials that can be used with our sandbox collections:

  • Register an account on and create a sandbox app for the APIs that you are interested in.
  • Use the Client Key and Secret from your sandbox app to populate the relating variables in the "Sandbox Credentials" environment group in Postman.
  • Call the token endpoint to create a bearer token that is used in the API resource endpoint. Your client credentials will be taken from the environment variables and used in a basic OAuth flow.
  • You need to call the token end-point for each API as the API scope is held in the request body of the token call.
  • The last bearer token and trace ID will be stored in collection variables associated with the API solution that you have chosen.
  • You can use these collections as read-only or create a fork into your own personal workspace to edit the details.

You can access all of Vodafone's sandbox APIs in our Postman workspace by clicking the button below:

Run in Postman Button

What is Postman?

Postman is a popular development and testing tool that is widely used across the API developer community. It offers an easy to use interface for making HTTP requests, testing API responses and collaborating with team members. For more details, see

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