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Simple Edge Discovery API


Simple Edge Discovery returns the name of the closest network operator's Edge Computing platform to a user's device.

This API follows the CAMARA standard specification. 

Try it out

Getting an Access Token

You need a valid OAuth2 access token in order to use this API.

If the request is valid, the API returns an access_token. That can be used for multiple requests for its duration (59 minutes and 59 seconds).

An invalid request returns an error message.

For more information on using Authorization Basic, see RFC 6749.

Using the Sandbox

IP address for the Sandbox environment

You need to know the IP address of the server instance, because this information is not part of the API response.  We have provided this IP address for you to use in the sandbox environment:

MSISDN for the Sandbox environment


Network Access Identifier for the Sandbox environment

Endpoint Request Example

There is a single endpoint:

  • /mecplatforms?filter=closest

The API returns the closest Edge Computing platform to a given device, so that device needs to be identifiable by the network.

Calling The API From A Server

If you call the API from a server, you must explicitly pass one or more device identifiers in the HTTP request header:

  • IP-Address
    • This is the public IP address of the user device: this can be obtained by an application hosted on that device calling a public IP address API.
    • For example: GET
  • Phone-Number
    • The international E.164 format (starting with country code)
    • The number can be optionally prefixed with a '+'
    • For example:  +4407123123456
  • Network-Access-Identifier
    • Where available from the API host operator

If you call the API from a device attached to the operator network, you can omit the explicit device identifier(s) from the request header.

If this request fails with a `404 Not Found` error, include a device identifier and retry the request.

Examples for all API clients:

GET /mec-platforms?filter=closest HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

GET /mec-platforms?filter=closest HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

GET /mec-platforms?filter=closest HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Phone-Number: 441234567890


Calling The API From Network-Attached Device

Example where API client is on a network-attached device:

GET /mec-platforms?filter=closest HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

Endpoint Response Example

Below is an example response:

"MecPlatforms": [
          "Provider": "AWS",
          "Ern": "eu-west-2-wl1-man-wlz-1"

In this example, a JSON object is returned. It contains:

  • A `MECPlatforms` array with a single member, along with the HTTP `200 OK` status code.
  • The value of the `Provider` object. This is the name of the operator or cloud provider of the Edge Computing platform.
  • `Ern` (Edge Resource Name) object. This is the name of the closest Edge Computing platform to the user device.
The API publisher (i.e. the operator implementation) must ensure that the tuple of Provider+Ern in the success response is unique.

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