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Error Codes & Troubleshooting

HTTP Status Codes


Error code


Possible Causes

How to fix?

400 Bad Request

The request could not be understood or was missing required parameters.

Incorrect or missing parameters (e.g., client_id, client_secret, grant_type, etc.). Invalid request format or content type.

Verify the request body and parameters. Make sure all required fields are present and valid.

401 Unauthorized

The request lacks valid authentication credentials.

Missing or invalid Access Token in the request. Incorrect client_id or client_secret. The token has expired or been revoked.

Ensure the Access Token is valid and not expired. Re-generate an Access Token if necessary. Double-check client_id and client_secret.

403 Forbidden

The authenticated user does not have permission to access the requested resource.

Insufficient permissions or scopes associated with the Access Token. The user or client app is not authorized for this specific action.

Ensure that the correct scopes are requested during the authorization process. Check if the resource requires additional permissions.

404 Not Found

The requested resource could not be found.

Incorrect API endpoint or resource URL. The resource has been deleted or does not exist.

Verify the API endpoint URL and ensure it is correct.

405 Method Not Allowed

The HTTP method used in the request is not supported for this endpoint.

Using GET instead of POST for token requests. Using an unsupported method for an API resource.

Check the documentation to ensure the correct HTTP method is used.

Not Acceptable
The server cannot provide a response in the requested format due to an invalid Accept header. The request specifies an unsupported media type in the Accept header. Ensure the Accept header is set to a supported format, such as application/json. Check API documentation for valid response types.
413 Payload Too Large The request body exceeds the maximum allowed size by the server. Sending large file uploads, oversized JSON payloads, or improperly compressed data. Reduce the payload size, use pagination if applicable, or check for API-specific limits in the documentation
414 Request URI Too Long The requested URL is too long for the server to process. Sending excessively long query parameters or improperly encoded URLs. Shorten the request URI by reducing query parameters or using a POST request with a request body.
422 Unprocessable Entity The request is well-formed but contains semantic errors that prevent processing. Missing or incorrect field values, violating API validation rules. Validate request parameters, check required fields, and correct any formatting issues based on API documentation.
429 Too Many Requests The client has sent too many requests within a given timeframe, exceeding rate limits. Exceeding API rate limits or quota restrictions. Implement exponential backoff or retry logic, monitor usage limits, and consider upgrading to a higher quota plan if available.
431 Request Header Fields Too Large The request headers exceed the size limits set by the server. Sending too many headers or overly large individual headers. Reduce the number or size of headers in the request, remove unnecessary metadata, and optimize cookie usage.

500 Internal Server Error

An unexpected server error occurred.

A problem on the API provider's server side. Temporary service downtime.

Retry the request later or contact support if the issue persists.

503 Service Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to handle the request.

Server overload or maintenance. Rate-limiting or throttling issues.

Wait for some time and retry the request.


OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect-Specific Error Codes


Error code


Possible Causes

How to fix?


The request is missing a required parameter or includes an invalid parameter.

Required parameters like client_id, grant_type, or scope are missing or invalid. Malformed request or incorrect encoding.

Review the request and add the missing or correct parameters.


The client authentication failed (e.g., incorrect client_id or client_secret).

Wrong client_id or client_secret. Client credentials are invalid, revoked, or missing.

Double-check the client credentials and make sure they are correct and properly included in the request.


The provided authorization grant or refresh token is invalid, expired, or revoked.

Incorrect or expired authorization code. Invalid refresh token. Mismatched redirect URI.

Re-authenticate the user and request a new authorization grant or refresh token.


The client is not authorized to use this grant type.

The client is not allowed to use a specific grant type (e.g., password, client_credentials). The client is not authorized to request certain scopes.

​​Verify that the client is registered to use the grant type and requested scopes.


The authorization server does not support the requested grant type.

The grant_type parameter in the request is unsupported or misspelled.

Check if the grant type is supported by the server and correct any misspellings in the request.


The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.

The requested scope does not exist or is misspelled. The client is not allowed to request certain scopes.

Verify the scope names and ensure they match the allowed scopes.


The resource owner or authorization server denied the request.

The user declined to grant permission to the application. The authorization server is denying access to the requested resource.

Check the authorization flow and ensure that the user has granted permission. If the issue persists, contact the authorization provider.


The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition.

Internal server error on the provider's side.

Retry the request later, and if the problem persists, contact the service provider.


The authorization server is temporarily unable to handle the request.

Server maintenance or service outage.

Retry the request later.


Token-Related Errors


Error code


Possible Causes

How to fix?


The provided token is invalid or expired.

Access Token or Refresh Token is malformed, expired, or revoked. The token was issued for a different client or resource.

Request a new token and ensure it is used within its validity period.


The token does not have sufficient scope to access the requested resource.

Re-authenticate with the correct scope or request a new token with the required permissions.

Re-authenticate with the correct scope or request a new token with the required permissions.


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